Advancement in Southport Mark Lodge (473) – Thursday 2nd November 2017
It is flattering to receive an invitation to a Mark Lodge; even better when there is to be an Advancement ceremony; so the night was made complete by that ceremony being performed to a very high standard.  We later learned that this performance was quite remarkable in several aspects.
First, the Worshipful Master, W.Bro. Bryan Henshaw, performed the whole Advancement ceremony in fine form.  This was despite having performed a Third Degree in the Craft, including the Tracing Board, the previous evening.  He could have been forgiven if he had mixed up the two sets of ritual, but he did an excellent job.
Secondly one of the joining members, W.Bro. Craige Southern, P.Prov.G.Std.B., who had just taken his place in the Lodge, then assisted the WM by acting as Senior Deacon for the ceremony.  I fell sure that the Candidate, Bro. Neil Griffiths, felt at ease with the excellent guidance given by the Senior Deacon.
And thirdly, a word for W.Bro. John Ryan, P.A.G.D.C.  As has happened to many an unwary Mark Mason while sitting at ease just before the Lodge was opened, John received that proverbial hand of the DC on his shoulder, asking him to fill in as the Senior Warden.  Again, the job was well done considering the short notice he received.
The ceremony was witnessed by six Grand Officers and the PGM’s Special Representative for the Southport, Ormskirk and Bootle Mark and RAM Lodges, W.Bro. Kevin Collins, P.Prov.G.J.W..
Words and pictures by Alan Foster.